No Commercial Garbage Disposals Allowed in Los Angeles Restaurants
The Bureau of Sanitation in Los Angeles CA is responsible for maintaining the City’s sewer system and clearing blockages that can often result in the overflow of sewage into the environment. It has been found that many of these blockages are caused by fats, oil and grease (FOG) that build up in the sewer lines and restrict flow. The FOG also interferes with the operation of sewage pumping stations and results in increased maintenance costs.
In order to reduce sewage overflows into the environment, the Bureau of Sanitation (BOS) has developed a comprehensive program aimed at reducing the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. This program includes: regulatory control of food service establishments (FSEs); public outreach to residences; and improved preventive maintenance The FOG Control Program requirements are specified in the Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 64.30 and the Board of Public Works’ Rules and Regulations Governing Disposal of Industrial Wastewater into Publicly Owned Treatment Works of the City of Los Angeles (Rules and Regulations).
Summary of the FOG Control Ordinance
Shown below is a summary of sections from Industrial Waste Control Ordinance, and the Board of Public Works’ Rules and Regulations, pertaining to FOG Control Program.
- The use of commercial garbage disposals in food service establishments is prohibited, unless specifically allowed.
- All food service establishments that discharge grease will be required to obtain an industrial wastewater permit. A one-time $400.00 application fee and annual $274.00 inspection and control fee will be assessed to the FSE.
- All food service establishments will be required to use best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the grease discharged to the sewer system.
- Any FSE that is known to cause grease-related sewage spills or fails to implement BMPs will be required to install a grease interceptor or a grease trap.
- All new construction of FSE must include the installation of a grease interceptor.
- All existing FSEs planning a remodel valued at $100,000.00 or more will be required to include the installation of a grease interceptor.
- Exemptions, conditional waivers or variances will be available to the FSEs that do not generate grease or have very limited space in their property such that installation of a grease interceptor is unfeasible.
The Drain Strainer is an effective and affordable alternative to a commercial garbage disposal that allows you to comply with the Los Angeles codes and regulations.