The Drain Strainer™:
Your Permanent Sink Drain Solution
Cleaning grease trap strainers using grease trap cleaning products can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Sink solids inside an overloaded grease interceptor are dirty and smelly. But when your grease trap interceptors need to be fixed or repaired, you're forced to take away time from your business to focus on these issues. The Drain Strainer™ is a sink drain solution that will pay for itself by cutting down on the money you spend for grease trap cleaning services.

Other Commercial Grease Trap Products And Solutions Stink
No one likes grease trap cleaning. It's a dirty, smelly job that makes everyone in your commercial kitchen or restaurant cover their nose. Whether you do the grease trap pumping yourself or hire a grease trap service company, it's not a task you want to perform more often than is absolutely necessary. Finding an alternative grease trap solution is much preferable than conducting these bothersome kinds of activities.
Unfortunately, when your grease trap gets clogged, you don't have any choice in the matter. The sinks in your commercial kitchen, restaurant or bar won't drain and greasy water can start to seep into the dish room floor which makes your employees' working environment very dangerous. Many municipalities are becoming more aggressive in monitoring commercial kitchen grease trap maintenance programs to prevent problems in their sewer systems.
In an attempt to cut down on grease trap pumping cost, some operators try using grease trap cleaners, such as chemicals, bacteria or enzymes to break down the food particles inside their grease trap. Not only are these alternatives expensive because you have to continuously buy them, but if your commercial kitchen has a lot of food waste going down your pipes, these alternative grease trap cleaners can only do so much before they get overloaded and stop working.
Most grease trap interceptors are designed to separate the grease from the wastewater, but a grease separator won't do anything to prevent your grease trap clogs from food particles. What your business needs is an alternative grease trap solution to keep the solids from getting into your grease trap in the first place.
Cleaning Grease Traps Stinks
A Professional Grease Trap Food Strainer Solution
The Drain Strainer™ is a food solid separator that allows the water from your sinks to filter through its strainer drawer while capturing all the solids that normally clog your grease trap. It also creates an air gap so your commercial sinks are not tied in directly to your grease trap. See our "What It Is" page for a full description of how this professional grease trap food strainer works.
Other drain screen systems go inside your sinks and can become hard to maintain. While these prevent solids from going down the pipes, unfortunately, they also keep your sinks from draining very well. Your business needs a drain straining solution that can work in tandem with your existing grease trap.
Don't wait until your employees get frustrated and bypass those types of systems before you make the switch to a better grease trap draining solution. Stop spending money on grease trap pumping and start preventing these problems with The Drain Strainer™.
See how we can help your commercial kitchen, restaurant or bar by viewing the videos on our site that demonstrate how our food scrap collector products prevent problems before they start. Visit our "How To Order" page to get yours today.